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Parenting is joyful, frustrating, rewarding and exhausting. Parenting a child with special needs gives you a double dose of it all.

You face challenges most parents never dream of. You juggle doctors, therapists, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmacies and the list goes on. Then there are the emotional and behavioral issues you deal with.  How do you handle a child who forgets to take critical medications or fights medical treatments?  What do you say when a sibling asks, "Will my brother or sister ever get better?"

We can help. Take a few minutes to browse around our website. There are lots of resources here for you including many that are free. 

Special parenting skills are needed to raise kids
with special needs. 

Whether your child has ADD, allergies, asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Down syndrome, developmental delays, an eating disorder, hemophilia or any other special need, you'll find essential parenting skills to help your child cope well with challenges, comply with medical requirements and live a hope-filled life.

You will learn techniques that:

  • Are simple and easy to learn
  • Teach resilience, responsibility, character and good coping skills
  • Lower your stress level
  • Have immediate and positive effects
  • Up the odds your child’s transition to independence will be fun instead of frantic 
Love and Logic ® for Children with Special Healthcare Needs  

Foster W. Cline, MD is a well known child psychiatrist and co-creator of the popular Love and Logic parenting approach. Lisa Greene, MA, CFLE is the mother of two children with cystic fibrosis and a parenting educator.
Together, they have adapted Love and Logic's powerful- yet simple- parenting tools to the special challenges of raising children with chronic illness, medical conditions and other special needs.  Resources include an award-winning book, audio, video, live and web-based support.         Their message is "You can do it!"

 You'll discover how to:

- Motivate children to make wise choices about food and medication.
- Promote responsibility without nagging, lecturing or bribing.
- Answer your child's tough questions about their special needs.
- Empower your child to make wise self-care decisions.
- Avoid power struggles and other common parenting traps.
- Handle refusal to take medication and do medical treatments.
- Avoid the dangers of over-protection or helicopter parenting.
- Prepare your child for the transition to independence.
- Navigate sibling, family and couple relationship challenges.

"One of my mantras for many years has been, 'Don’t disable a child with disabilities!' As this program points out so clearly, these children, even more so than children who are not obviously medically impacted, need to be confident, competent, respectful, responsible, and, ultimately, independent."   -Tracy L. Trotter, MD, Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics, Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine 

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