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Our Resources > Healthy Choices, Happy Kids
Healthy Choices, Happy Kids

Price: $10.95
Availability: Available on Amazon
Prod. Code: Children's Book


Teaching children to evaluate choices, understand consequences and make good decisions is vital to ensuring a lifetime of success. Fun stories, colorful illustrations (including a find-the-frog game), and easy-to-relate-to characters will help children understand the best ways to deal with the many important self-care issues they will encounter, including choosing the right foods, brushing teeth, washing hands, taking medicine, taking a bath, exercising, and more.

Hardcover: US $17.95 for Case Laminate Cover w7.50 x h9.25, 62 pages, 38 illustrations;
ISBN 978-0-9911303-1-3; LLCN 2014931198; CIP data appears in book.

Softcover:  US $10.95 for Perfect Softbound Cover w7.50 x h9.25, 62 pages, 38 illustrations; ISBN 978-0-9911303-0-6; LLCN 2014931198; CIP data appears in book.

Also available in e-book!